Thursday, 24 April 2008

Who owns you?

Thoughts from Paris!

We sacrifice our control over ourselves all the time.

Some of us are more willing to do this more than others!

For me, I am often known as being blolshi and have been known to be 'Geoffrey awkward' because I am often very reluctant to surrender control to others unless they give me a good reason to do so!

1 comment:

Geoff Dellow said...

It will depend on the interpretation that Audrey wishes to make, but

Are people too willing to give over decision making to others?

Do we feel pressured to live/make choices in a limited way?

Is the majority of society brainwashed into thinking in a certain way of behaving?

We have so many choices to make if we are to remain 'in charge' that we have to decide which choices are less important and which to pursue vigorously.

For me the issue of the ability of those 'at the bottom of the pile' to struggle to be 'in charge' of their accommodation and their leisure is of extreme importance and I shall be pursuing this theme with vigour when I return refreshed!

I intend my voice to be heard and 'democracy' to take count of it along with the hundreds of others that think the same but chose to think they can do nothing.

I hope to show them that they can!