Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Equality : to be discussed Tuesday 2nd March

Here are the questions that the group leaders would like us to think about before our meeting :

  • What is equality?
  • Do we have equality before the law?
  • Do we have equality in the right to "come and go"?
  • Are women equal in our society?
  • Is it possible to have equality and still allow the employer discretion?


Geoff Dellow said...

I approach this subject thinking that equality can never exist. It is only a standard to which we can aspire.

We start life unequal. Some of our parents are very supportive and encourage us greatly at every opportunity so that we become proactive and ready to take on challenges.

Other parents are less involved and can in the extreme be very negative and tell us repeatedly that we are rubbish.

It seems a chance thing as to how we react to both extreme scenarios.

Both can lead to highly motivated people who could struggle for "equality". In so doing leading to inequality as we progress beyond those around us!

Anonymous said...

We are not born equal so I would argue that we should not try to seek equality by law but by working to increase empathy with and respect for the individual.
It is difficult to understand why we are so accepting of the concept of equality when it clearly goes against common sense.
Why should we try to establish or uphold a false concept by law when it seems to mean a loss of rights for the individual?
Is equality promoted in order to make an individual conform with utilitarianism?
We cannot all achieve the same given the same resources because we are individuals and life would be very dull if we were all the same.