Sunday 14 March 2010

Is hope too much to hope for?

This next Tuesday, 16th March, this is our topic.

Here are some notes on our topic:

"It was originally planned that I would argue that Hope was not a desirable state/sentiment .

My preparation has focused on this, so it would be useful if people were prepared to argue in favour of Hope.

Do we think hope is a "good thing"?

Being hopeful is seen as positive while hopelessness is seen as a state of despair.

Many statements reflect this:

"it is better to travel hopefully than to arrive",

"every cloud has a silver lining"

"while there is life there is hope".

1 Corinthians 13 talks of Faith, Hope and Charity (or Love) as great virtues which suggests that there is little doubt as to the Christian position.

If so why?

What does hoping achieve?

Does hope contribute to our happiness, does it motivate us, does it create success?"



Geoff Dellow said...

"I've had a good evening reading through quotes see

I find it difficult to understand exactly what is meant by many of the quotes and wonder whether we have been persuaded by our culture not to question that having hope is a good thing.

It seems to be similar to our discussion of 'Equality' last week where I concluded:

Every one is for it but in practice it doesn't exist.

I'm trying to analyse my beliefs on hope by thinking of my attitude to real situations that I'm actually experiencing - for me this approach is often the best way to discover the 'truth' about what I believe."

Looks like another challenging set of thinking!

The more I examine life in this way , the less I believe I entertain much hope!

For example:

I don't 'hope' it's a sunny day tomorrow.

This would result in being disappointed if it rained.

With no expectations, but a readiness to adjust to whatever the weather turns out to be, I am able to be positive whatever happens.

Rather I hope that the weather tomorrow will be whatever comes because I have alternative plans that will enjoy whatever happens!

Looks like an interesting discussion!

Anonymous said...

The last item in Pandora's box was Hope. Was this for the good of mankind?
In the myth Zeus was punishing Prometheus for giving fire to humans. Zeus created a beautiful woman in the image of the goddesses and Prometheus' brother wanted her as his wife.
Zeus gave Pandora a box of gifts but told her not to open it. She was finally overcome by curiosity and disobeyed releasing many hardships into the world. She managed to close the box before Hope escaped.
If all the contents were "gifts" from an angry god to humans surely the myth is linking hope with hardship.
More thinking later.....

Geoff Dellow said...
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Geoff Dellow said...

Hope, everyone uses the word but few seem to consider its meaning.

One of them is most unhelpful I find.

"Hope I win a million pounds"

This I fear is a very immature thought.

The kind of hope that conjures up wonders out of the unknown.

Whereas the type of "hope"that means desiring,can be is more mature thinking.

It sets a goal for future endeavors.

The latter demands an input from ourselves.

This sounds good to me!

"I hope for a good day tomorrow"

And I'm damn well going to enjoy it whatever happens because I've so many things I want to do. . . . and one of them is bound to work out well!