Friday, 4 April 2008

Stem Cell Research

Is this philosophy or just a rant?

Some Thoughts on the Current Controversy about Embryo Research

The creation of human/cow “hybrid embryos”

  1. The misinformation.

    A hybrid is produced by the combination of a male and female germ cell. The so-called hybrids under discussion are produced by fusing the nucleus of a human cell with the shell of a female cow germ cell. This is not a hybrid nor even chimera.

    Nor could it ever become an embryo. It is with luck a multipotent stem cell which might be persuaded to multiply, but, with the present state of knowledge, it could never develop into viable life.

  2. The Facts

    Stem cells have potential to treat a number of debilitating and fatal diseases. More research is needed before any possibility of treatment arises. Sources of stem cells are rare and difficult to acquire, but the human/cow “hybrid” would be relatively easy to produce for research.

  3. The Church

    Particularly the Catholic Church, but also many “right to life” literalists express horror at the obscenity of producing such “embryos” and then not allowing them to develop.

    Being charitable one might assume that they are simply misguided, but this still begs the question of why anyone pays attention to these protests. Life for the stem cells is not an issue (see above), though life for those suffering terminal disease might be!

    The Catholic Church in particular cannot be taken seriously on this point given the millions it has killed – the crusades, the inquisition, the genocide of the Cathars (largely because the Cathars actually practised Christianity) and the continuing undermining of attempts to counter the aids epidemic, suggest that the last thing the Catholic Church is interested in is the sanctity of life.


Geoff Dellow said...

My initial question is:

Are there not other issues more important to the quality of life than curing diseases.

The latter appeals because it is an easily definable goal.

Improving 'quality of life' more difficult/impossible to define ?

It would be good to hear of discussions about other things than

How to get more money/possessions

How to live longer

How to possess the latest gizmo

Looking forward to our discussions!

Any one else joining in?

les galloway said...

I am not much bothered about the disease aspect. Disease will always be with us and it will always be one step ahead. It is the hypocrisy of the opponents that annoys me and the fact that they are actually given credence.