Friday, 21 March 2008

Further thoughts on love !

Photos 'snatched' as I roamed along the South Bank, London!


les galloway said...

Not philosophy maybe but still of interest. Just read a report of research at the University of California which indicates that love helps strengthen commitment by suppressing the perception of attractive features in people other than the beloved. Love is not only blind but also blinds the afflicted to the charms of anyone else.

Geoff Dellow said...

If it is accepted that we move on from one partner to another.

Does it follow that the change of partners is going to be traumatic?

Or is it possible to change partners 'lovingly'?

What would the criteria be for a change?

Anonymous said...

Unless jealousy or a feeling of rejection can be controlled or 'managed', perhaps a change of partners is almost always going to be tramautic for one partner or another.